Katru gadu no jauna


Aristotle Celebration Marks the Start of the New Academic Year

The University of Latvia has its own Coin

Course of Excursions "To the Morberg Summerhouse on Thursdays!"

A Night by the Doors of the University

Baltic sea region studies Master's degree programme application period extended

An "American dream" for Scientists

143 Students Graduate from the LU Faculty of Medicine

Pirmā civiltiesību procesa izspēle noslēgusies

Pirmā civiltiesību procesa izspēle noslēgusies

Flower Show at the UL Botanical Gardens

Sparkling Emotions at the Summer Welcome (Goodbye) Party 2009

Graduations Start at the University

The Isaiah Berlin Auditorium at the Faculty of Social Sciences: A Place for Free Thought

UL Reduces Study Fees

Photo competition ”My University of Latvia” winner announced

Profesora Oļģerta Nikodemus stāsts

Ieva Bondare. "Skaistākā sieviete - LU studente"

Profesora Eižena Laubes personlieta Latvijas Valsts Vēstures arhīvā

Liela aula

Latvijas Universitātes studenti tiesu izspēlēs Vīnē

Kārlis Arājs stāsta par iestājeksāmenu rītu

The Founding of the Association of Latvian Universities

Erasmus students evening "Una Notte Da Italiano"

Intervija ar Aldi Gobzemu

"No studenta Zaķa līdz rektoram Zaķim": portretintervija

Gitas Eidukas atmiņstāsts

Imeldas Saulītes atmiņstāsts

Studenti - celtnieki