The information on the amount available for higher education funding in Latvia triggers international concerns

Reception of International Students on the occasion of the Independence Day of Latvia

Conference „Promoting European Higher Education worldwide: BalticStudyNet 2005–2009”

International conference "Inclusion Unaffordable? The Uncertain Fate of Integration Policies and the Demonisation of Minorities and Migrants in Central and Eastern Europe"

Professor Norman Davies lecture "World War II in Europe: No Unanimity"

Survey "Promoting a Responsible European Citizenship"

Notikušas JFSP vēlēšanas

International Scientific – Practical Conference „Chemistry Education – 2009” begins on November 6

Lecture "The European welfare state in perspective" by Prof. Stein Kuhnle

Discourse "The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Overcoming of the Seperation of Europe"

What are the Young Biologists doing in the Year of Darwin?

Pirmkursnieki apciemo Augstāko tiesu

UL programmers – best among the Baltic States’ universities

Welcome to my country...

Likuma vārdā – ballējieties!

Conference “Formal Semantics and Pragmatics: Discourse, Context, and Models” Call for Papers

Students’ Punishment Cell at UL Main Building is being Restored

Delegation from the European University Association is to Meet the Government of Latvia

The Two-Day Conference “Astronomy in Latvia” Has Concluded

UL Women’s Basketball Team Begins New Season

The folk dance group Dandari of the University of Latvia starts the 29th season

„Kapuscinski lectures” at the Faculty of Social Sciences

International Conference "Gifted Children: Challenges and Possibilities" will be held October 11-15, 2009

Conference „Promoting European Higher Education worldwide: BalticStudyNet 2005–2009”

Lecture "Corruption in Post-Communist Countries"

Rakstu krājuma "ANTIQUITAS VIVA studia classica 3" prezentācija

Restaurēs studentu karceri LU centrālajā ēkā

Address by Prof Klaus Schwab on the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the UL Riga, 28 September 2009

Filma + cepumiņš + JF students = labi :)

After EU enlargement, a book about EU labour market was published